Directory - Localities

Ackworth Moor Top, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Addingham, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Adel, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Agbrigg, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Ainley Top, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Airedale, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Airedale Hospital, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Allerton Bywater, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Almondbury, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Altofts, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Alverthorpe, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Alwoodley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Alwoodley Gates, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Apperley Bridge, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Armitage Bridge, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Armley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Arthington, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Ashenhurst, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Austhorpe, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Badsworth, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
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