Directory - Localities

Longwood, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Marsden, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Marsh, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Mount, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Netherton, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Primrose Hill, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Shelley, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Shepley, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Waterloo, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Wellhouse, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Braithwaite, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
East Morton, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Eastburn, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Eastwood, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Exley Head, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Highfield, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Lees, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Oakworth, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Oldfield, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
Stanbury, Keighley, West Yorkshire
Stoppoints in locality
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