By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: Durham Newton Aycliffe

Newton Aycliffe

Alston Crescent (SE-B)
Auckland Place (NE-B)
Auckland Place (SW-B)
Avon Court (SW-B)
Bakewell Place (NE-B)
Bakewell Place (SW-B)
Balliol Road (N-B)
Balliol Road (S-B)
Bluebell Way - Alverton Drive (NE-B)
Bluebell Way - Alverton Drive (SW-B)
Bluebell Way-Eade Close (N-B)
Bluebell Way-Eade Close (S-B)
Bluebell Way Scout Centre (NW-B)
Bluebell Way Scout Centre (SE-B)
Bousfield Crescent (NW-B)
Bousfield Crescent (SE-B)
Burnhill Way - Cemetery (NE-B)
Burnhill Way - Cemetery (SW-B)
Burn Lane - Care Centre (NW-B)
Burn Lane - Care Centre (SE-B)
Burn Lane - Sid Chaplin Dr (NW-B)
Burn Lane - Sid Chaplin Dr (SE-B)
Castlereagh Close (NW-B)
Castlereagh Close (SE-B)
Central Avenue (NE-B)
Central Avenue (SW-B)
Central Avenue Tesco (NE-B)
Central Avenue Tesco (SW-B)
Clarence Chare (E-B)
Clarence Chare (W-B)
Cobblers Hall (NE-B)
Cobblers Hall (SW-B)
County Primary School (S-B)
County Primary School bus only (NW-B)
Cumby Road (NE-B)
Cumby Road (SW-B)
Emerson Way-Bowes Road (E-B)
Emerson Way-Bowes Road (W-B)
Eskdale Place (NE-B)
Eskdale Place (SW-B)
Faulkner Road (NE-B)
Faulkner Road (SW-B)
Finchale Rd-St Cuthberts Way (N-B)
Finchale Rd-St Cuthberts Way (S-B)
Finchale Road (E-B)
Finchale Road (W-B)
Garburn Place (NW-B)
Garburn Place (SE-B)
Gilpin Road (NW-B)
Gilpin Road (SE-B)
Greenfield School (N-B)
Greenfield School (S-B)
Greenfield Way - Blackton Close (NE-B)
Greenfield Way - Blackton Close (SW-B)
Greenwell Rd Leisure Centre (NE-B)
Greenwell Rd Leisure Centre (SW-B)
Greenwell Road - Dalton Way (NE-B)
Greenwell Road - Dalton Way (SW-B)
Greville Way (E-B)
Groat Avenue (N-B)
Groat Avenue (S-B)
Hollin Way (W-B)
Labour Club (NE-B)
Labour Club (SW-B)
Lightfoot Road (W-B)
Linden Place (NW-B)
Linden Place (SE-B)
MacMillan Road (NW-B)
MacMillan Road (SE-B)
Meadowfield Way (NW-B)
Meadowfield Way (SE-B)
Mellanby Crescent (E-B)
Mellanby Crescent (W-B)
Middridge Lane End (E-B)
Middridge Lane End (W-B)
Millennium Way - Ruff and Tumble (E-B)
Millennium Way - Ruff and Tumble (W-B)
Neville Parade (NE-B)
Neville Parade (NW-B)
Neville Parade (SE-B)
Neville Parade (SW-B)
North East Gate (E-B)
North East Gate (NW-B)
North East Gate (S-B)
North East Gate (W-B)
Northfield Way (NW-B)
Northfield Way (SE-B)
Pease Way - Cumby Road (NE-B)
Pease Way - Cumby Road (SE-B)
Pease Way - Cumby Road (SW-B)
Pease Way - Emerson Way (NE-B)
Pease Way - Emerson Way (SW-B)
Pease Way Medical Centre (N-B)
Pease Way Medical Centre (S-B)
Priestman Road (N-B)
Priestman Road (S-B)
Railway Station bus stop (E-B)
Railway Station bus stop (W-B)
Rylstone Close (NE-B)
Rylstone Close (S-B)
Rylstone Close (SW-B)
Shafto Way-outside nos 90-147 (NW-B)
Shafto Way-outside nos 90-147 (SE-B)
Shafto Way - Shafto House (NE-B)
Shafto Way - Shafto House (SW-B)
Silkin Way (NE-B)
Silkin Way - Marshall Road (SW-B)
Simpasture Gate (E-B)
Simpasture Gate (SW-B)
St. Josephs School (S-B)
St Cuthberts Way - WMC (N-B)
St Cuthberts Way - WMC (S-B)
Stephenson Way (E-B)
Stephenson Way (W-B)
St Francis School (NW-B)
St Francis School (SE-B)
St Josephs School bus only (NW-B)
St Marys School (NE-B)
Sugar Hill School (NE-B)
Town Centre (E-B)
Town Centre (W-B)
Traveller's Green (E-B)
Traveller's Green (W-B)
Vane Road-Mellanby Crescent (N-B)
Vane Road-Mellanby Crescent (S-B)
Vane Road - School (E-B)
Vane Road - School (W-B)
Washington Crescent (E-B)
Washington Crescent (W-B)
Welbury Grove (W-B)
Westmorland Way (NE-B)
Westmorland Way (SW-B)
Whinbank Rd-Whitworth Avenue (N-B)
Whinbank Rd-Whitworth Avenue (S-B)
Whinbank Rd-Whitworth Avenue (S-B)
Williamfield - Hawkshead Pl (NW-B)
Williamfield - Hawkshead Pl (SE-B)
Williamfield Way (NE-B)
Williamfield Way (SW-B)
Woodham Burn Schools (E-B)
Woodham Burn Schools (W-B)
Young People's centre (N-B)
Young People's centre (S-B)