By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: Manchester Bury


Light Rail
Angouleme Way (Ebd - to def rte) (Nr Carpark)
Angouleme Way (to def route) (Spring Street)
Angouleme Way (Wbd def route) (Spring Street)
Art Gallery (Stop LL) (Art Gallery)
Bell Lane
Bell Lane
Bell Lane
Bell Lane
Bell Lane (adj)
Bell Lane (nr)
Bolton Street (Stop RR)
Brook Street (nr)
Brook Street (opp)
Bury East Lancs Railway (Stop SS)
Bury East Lancs Railway (Stop TT)
Bury Grammar Sch (Jub Way) (to def rte) (Tenterden Street)
Bury Grammar Sch (Jub Way) (to def rte) (Tenterden Street)
Bury Grammar School
Bury Grammar School (o/s)
Bury Grammar School (S-B)
Bury Ground (to define route) (Nr Sub Station)
Bury Ground (to define route) (Nr Sub Station)
Bury Interchange
Bury Interchange (Arrivals)
Bury Interchange (Arrivals)
Bury Interchange (Arrivals)
Bury Interchange (Arrivals)
Bury Interchange (def rte) (Nr Pub)
Bury Interchange (def rte) (Nr Pub)
Bury Interchange (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange (Stand 1)
Bury Interchange (Stand 2)
Bury Interchange (Stand A)
Bury Interchange (Stand B)
Bury Interchange (Stand C)
Bury Interchange (Stand D)
Bury Interchange (Stand E)
Bury Interchange (Stand F)
Bury Interchange (Stand G)
Bury Interchange (Stand H)
Bury Interchange (Stand J)
Bury Interchange (Stand K)
Bury Interchange (Stand L)
Bury Interchange (Stand M)
Bury Interchange (Stand N)
Bury Interchange (Stand O)
Bury Interchange (Stand P)
Bury Interchange (Stand R)
Bury Interchange (Stand S)
Bury Interchange (Stand T)
Bury Interchange (Stand V)
Bury Interchange (Stop HS)
Bury Interchange Stand A (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand B (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand C (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand D (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand E (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand F (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand G (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand H (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand J (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand K (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand L (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand M (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand N (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand O (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand P (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand R (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand S (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand T (Haymarket Street)
Bury Interchange Stand V (Haymarket Street)
Bury Market (Stop DD)
Bury Market (Stop EE)
Bury Market (Stop FF)
Bury Museum (Stop MS)
Bury Town Hall (Stop MM)
Bury Town Hall (Stop NN)
Bury Town Hall (to def route) (Manchester Road)
Bury Town Hall (Wbd - def route) (Manchester Road)
change (Angoulme Way)(to def rte) (Nr Carpark)
Dale Street (Bus Station)
Deal Street (nr)
Deal Street (nr)
Deal Street (opp)
Deal Street (opp)
First Bus Depot
Foundry Street (nr)
Fox Street (nr)
Fox Street (opp)
Hazel Avenue
Hazel Avenue
Hurst Street (nr)
Hurst Street (opp)
Jubilee Way Roundabout (to define route) (Peel Way)
Lord Street (nr)
Lord Street (opp)
Maxwell Street (adj)
Maxwell Street (opp)
Mill Gate Shopping Centre (o/s)
Mill Gate Shopping Centre (Stop JJ)
Moorgate Primary Care Centre (opp)
Moorgate Primary Care Centre (Stop UU)
Moss Street (o/s)
Neston Road (Neston Road - Parkgate)
Parsonage Street (nr)
Parsonage Street (opp)
Peel Way (Ebd) (Railway Bridge)
Peel Way (Ebd) (Woodfields)
Peel Way (Wbd) (to define route) (Railway Bridge)
Peel Way (Wbd) (to define route) (Woodfields)
Rochdale Road (adj)
Rochdale Road (nr)
Rochdale Road (to define route) (Rochdale Road)
Rochdale Road (to define route) (Roundabout)
Rochdale Road (to define route) (Roundabout)
Silver Street (Nbd define route) (Os Pub)
Silver Street (to define route) (Os Pub)
St Gabriel's RC High School (adj)
St Gabriel's RC High School (at)
St Gabriel's RC High School (o/s)
St Gabriels School
St Gabriels School
St Gabriels School (Nr Street Gabs School)
St Pauls Church (Wash Lane) (to def rte) (Os house 34)
St Pauls Church (Wash Lane) (to def rte) (Os house 34)
Teak Street (opp)
Tenterden Street (Stop PP)
Tenterden Street (Stop QQ)
Tenterden Street (to define route) (Tenterden Street)
Tesco (Peel Way)
Tesco (Peel Way)
The Met theatre (Stop KK)
The Rock (Stop AA)
The Rock (Stop BB)
The Rock (Stop CC)
Trinity Street (Stop GG)
Trinity Street (Stop HH)
Wash Lane (adj)
Wash Lane (nr)
Wash Lane (Nr Sub Station)
Wash Lane (NW-B)
Wash Lane (NW-B)
Wash Lane (SE-B)
Wash Lane (SE bnd) (SE-B)
Willow Street (nr)
Willow Street (opp)
Wilson Street (nr)
Wilson Street (opp)