By Location
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Locality: Aberdeen Aberdeen


Aberdeen Railway Station
Adelphi (Stop G1)
Adelphi (Stop G2)
Adelphi (Stop G3)
Adelphi (Stop G4)
Adelphi (Stop G5)
Adelphi (Stop G6)
Adelphi (Stop G7)
Adelphi (Union Street 93m East of Adelphi S/S)
Affleck Street (opp)
Albert Lane (opp)
Anderson Drive (at 131)
Anderson Drive (at 175)
Ann Street (opp)
Bayview Road (at)
Bayview Road (opp)
Beaconsfield Place (at)
Blackfriars Street (Stop P1)
Blackfriars Street (Stop P2)
Bon Accord Centre (48m South of Berry Street)
Bon Accord Centre (Stop K2)
Bon Accord Centre (Stop K4)
Bon Accord Centre (Stop K5)
Bridge Street (Stop E1)
Bridge Street (Stop E2)
Bridge Street (Stop E3)
Bridge Street (Stop E4)
Broad Street (Stop H1)
Broad Street (Stop H2)
Canal Street (at)
Canal Street (opp)
Carden Place (NW-B)
Carden Place (SE-B)
Castle Street (Stop J1)
Castle Street (Stop J2)
Castle Street (Stop J4)
Catherine Street (opp)
Charles Street (at 489)
Commerce Street (48m South of Beach Boullavard)
Craigie Street (at)
Crown Terrace (at)
Crown Terrace (opp)
Deansloch Terrace (Byron Avenue at Deansloch Terrace)
Desswood Place (at)
Forest Avenue (at)
Forest Road (at)
Fountainhall Road (opp)
Fraser Street (at)
Fraser Street (opp)
Gallowgate (Stop H5)
George Street (adj)
George Street (adj)
George Street (at 50)
Gerrard Street (at)
Gordon Brae (adj)
Gordon Brae (adj)
Gordondale Road (opp)
Grandholm Drive (at)
Grandholm Drive (beside)
Guild Street (Stop M1)
Guild Street (Stop M3)
Hadden Street (opp)
Hamilton Place (adj)
Hamilton Place (at)
Holburn Junction (Stop A4)
Holburn Junction (Stop A5)
Holburn Junction (Stop A6)
Holburn Junction (Stop A7)
Holburn Junction (Stop A8)
Holburn Junction (Stop A9)
Holburn Junction (Stop A10)
Holburn Junction (Stop A11)
Holland Street (opp)
Hutcheon Street (adj)
Jasmine Terrace (at)
Jasmine Terrace (at)
Jasmine Terrace (opp)
John Street (at)
John Street (Stop S1)
John Street (Stop S2)
King's Cross Avenue (at)
King's Cross Avenue (opp)
Langstane Kirk (Stop B1)
Langstane Kirk (Stop B1)
Langstane Kirk (Stop B2)
Langstane Kirk (Stop B3)
Langstane Kirk (Stop B4)
Langstane Kirk (Stop B5)
Langstane Kirk (Stop B6)
Lemon Street (at)
Littlejohn Street (Stop H3)
Marywell Street (adj)
Meadow Place (opp)
Mealmarket Street (adj)
Mealmarket Street (opp)
Millbank Place (at)
Millbank Place (opp)
Moray Place (at)
Music Hall (Stop C1)
Music Hall (Stop C1)
Music Hall (Stop C2)
Music Hall (Stop C3)
Music Hall (Stop C4)
Music Hall (Stop C5)
Music Hall (Stop C5)
Music Hall (Stop C6)
Music Hall (Stop C7)
Northlink Ferry Terminal (at)
Oakhill Road (opp)
Osborne Place (at)
Osborne Place (opp)
Palmerston Road (adj)
Palmerston Road (opp)
Park Road (adj)
Poynernook Road (adj)
Poynernook Road (opp)
Prince Arthur Street (at)
Prince Arthur Street (opp)
Princes Street (adj)
Princes Street (opp)
Queen's Cross Church (at)
Queen's Cross Church (opp)
Queen's Gardens (at)
Queen's Gardens (opp)
Richmondhill Court (at)
Richmondhill Place (opp)
Richmondhill Road (at)
Rose Street (o/s 40)
Rose Street (opp 50)
Roslin Street (adj)
Roslin Street (at)
Roslin Terrace (at)
Royal Court (at)
Royal Court (opp)
Rubislaw Place (at)
Rubislaw Place (opp)
Rubislaw Terrace (at)
Schoolhill (Outside R.G.U Union)
Schoolhill (Stop L1)
Schoolhill (Stop L2)
Seamount Road (at)
Seamount Road (opp)
Shiprow (Stop M2)
Shiprow (Stop M10)
Shoe Lane (at)
Spa Street (adj)
Spa Street (opp)
Spring Garden (opp)
St Andrew's Cathedral (Stop J3)
St Andrew's Cathedral (Stop J5)
St Clair Street
St Clair Street (at)
St Clair Street (opp)
St Nicholas Church (Union Street 41m East of Back Wynd)
St Nicholas Church (Union Street 67m East of Back Wynd)
St Nicholas Kirk (o/s 100)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F1)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F2)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F3)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F4)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F5)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F6)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F7)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F8)
St Nicholas Kirk (Stop F9)
Thistle Place (opp)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 1)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 1)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 3)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 4)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 5)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 6)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 7)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 8)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 9)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 10)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 11)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance 12)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance A)
Union Square Bus Station (Stance B)
Union Terrace Gardens (Stop D1)
Union Terrace Gardens (Stop D2)
Union Terrace Gardens (Stop D3)
Upperkirkgate (Stop R1)
Urquhart Terrace (at)
Urquhart Terrace (opp)
Wallace Statue (adj)
Wallace Statue (Stop N1)
Wallace Statue (Stop N2)
Wallace Statue (Stop N3)
Wallace Statue (Stop N4)
Woodhill Road (at)
Woodstock Road (at)
Woodstock Road (opp)