By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Plus Bus Zone: West Lothian


Burnside View (after)
Burnside View (at)
HMP Addiewell (at)
Meadowhead Crescent (at)
Meadowhead Crescent (opp)
North British Bond (at)
North British Bond (opp)
Primary School (at)
Primary School (opp)
Station Road (after)
Station Road (opp)
Station Road End (at)


Academy Street (before)
Academy Street (opp)
Avondale Cres (at)
Avondale Drive (after)
Avondale Drive (opp)
Baird Drive (at)
Baird Drive (opp)
Barbauchlaw Avenue (after)
Barbauchlaw Avenue (opp)
Birkenshaw Way (at)
Birkenshaw Way (opp)
Bowling Green (before)
Bowling Green (opp)
Burns Avenue (at)
Burns Avenue (opp)
Cross Northbound (at)
Eastertoun Gardens (before)
Eastertoun Gardens (opp)
Glen Road (opp)
Heathervale Walk (before)
Honeyman Court (at)
Honeyman Court (opp)
Kross Bar (at)
Kross Bar (opp)
Lower Bathville (after)
Railway Station (opp)
Speedway Stadium (at)
Speedway Stadium (opp)
St Andrews Drive (before)
St Andrews Drive (opp)
St Margarets Drive (before)
St Margarets Drive (opp and after)
St Pauls Drive (before)
St Pauls Drive (opp and after)
Swimming Pool (at)
Swimming Pool (opp)
Temple Avenue (before)
The Cavalier (at)
The Cavalier (opp and after)
Wotherspoon Crescent (after)
Wotherspoon Crescent (opp)


Academy Place (after)
Academy Street (before)
Balbardie Primary School (at)
Balbardie Primary School (opp)
Balbardie Road (before)
Balbardie Road (outside)
Barrie Terrace (at)
Barrie Terrace (opp)
Bridgend Park (before)
Bridgend Park (opp)
Cairn Hotel (before)
Cairn Hotel (opp)
Carlyle Terrace (at)
Carlyle Terrace (opp)
Carn Lea (before)
Castle Place (opp)
Council Offices (at)
Dalling Road (opp)
Fairway Hotel (at)
Farmfoods (at)
Fire Station (at)
Fire Station (opp)
Gardners Lane (before)
Gardners Lane (opp)
Glasgow Road (after)
Glasgow Road (before)
Gordon Avenue (after)
Gordon Avenue (Opp)
Health Centre (at)
Health Centre (opp)
Hope Park Gardens (before)
Hope Park Gardens (opp)
Hopetoun Street (before)
Hunter Grove (before)
Hunter Grove (opp)
Inch Crescent (after)
Inch Crescent (Opp)
Inch Wood Avenue (after)
Inch Wood Avenue (opp)
Job Centre Plus (at)
Kaim Park Hotel (at)
Kaim Park Hotel (opp)
Library (at)
Library (opp)
Meadowpark Road (at)
Menzies Road (after)
Millburn Road (after)
Millburn Road (opp)
Morrisons supermarket (at)
Old Railway Station (at)
Pyramids Business Park (at)
Rail Station (at)
Railway Station (opp)
Ramsay Crescent (at)
Room at the Top (at)
Roseberry Crescent (after)
Roseberry Crescent (Opp)
Royal Bar (at)
Royal Bar (opp)
Social Work Buildings (opp)
South Loch Park (at)
Sports Centre (at)
Sports Centre (opp)
Starlaw Crescent (opp)
St David's House (at)
St Marys Place (before)
Sutherland Crescent (opp)
Tesco (at)
Tesco (before)
Tesco (opp and after)
Union Road (after)
Union Road (opp)
Waverley Street (at)
Whitehill Industrial Estate (before)
Whitehill Industrial Estate (opp)
Whiteside (after)
Whiteside (opp)


Asda (at)
Bathville Cross (after)
Bathville Cross (before)
Calder Crescent (after)
Calder Crescent (opp)
Cappers Court (before)
Cappers Court (opp)
Gracies Wynd (before)
Gracies Wynd (opp)
Hamilton Gardens (at)
Mayfield Drive (before)
Mayfield Drive (opp)
Morgan Way (before)
Morgan Way (opp)
Old Golf Course Road (after)
Old Golf Course Road (opp)
Travelling Peoples Site (at)
Travelling Peoples Site (opp)
Watt Avenue (before)
Watt Avenue (opp)


Dunvegan Gardens (at)
Wilderness Roundabout (after)
Wilderness Roundabout (before)


Dundas Street (after)
Dundas Street (before)
Dykeside Road (at)
Hillhouse Avenue (at)
Hillhouse Avenue (before)
Hillhouse Avenue (Opp)
Turner Street (after)
Turner Street (opp and before)


Crofthead Row (after)
Garden City (after)
Garden City (opp)
Meadow Road (after)
Meadow Road (Opp)
Turning Circle (after)
Turning Circle (opp)


Birniehill Terrace (at)
Birniehill Terrace (opp)
Bridgend Cottage (opp)
Standhill Court (after)
Standhill Court (opp)


Ash Grove (before)
Ash Grove (near)
Ash Grove (Outside)
Blackburn House (at)
Blackburn House (opp)
Cross (adj)
Cross (after)
Cross (before)
Cross (near)
Elm Grove (opp)
Graham Court (before)
Graham Court (Opp)
Latchburn View (before)
Library (before)
Library (opp)
Mosshall Caravan Park (at)
Mosshall Caravan Park (opp)
Mosshall Industrial Estate (before)
Mosshall Industrial Estate (opp)
Mosside Road (before)
Mosside Road (opp)
Police Station (at)
Police Station (opp)
Redhouse Court (at)
Redhouse Court (opp)
Redhouse Farm (before)
Redhouse Farm (opp and after)
Riddochhill Road (before)
Riddochhill Road (opp)
Riddochill Road (opp and after)
Rowan Street (before)
Rowan Street (opp and after)
St Kentigerns Academy (at)
Turf Place (opp and before)


Alexandra Drive (after)
Alexandra Drive (opp)
Andrew Avenue (after)
Andrew Avenue (opp)
Ash Grove (after)
Ash Grove (opp)
Beech Road (at)
Beech Road (opp)
Boghall Church (after)
Boghall Church (outside)
Cherry Avenue (after)
Cherry Avenue (opp)
Cherry Avenue (Outside)
Elizabeth Dr (at 133)
Elizabeth Dr (at 192)
Elm Road (after)
Elm Road (before)
Limefield Crescent (near)
Marina Road (after)
Marina Road (Opp)
Pentland Ave (after)
Pentland Ave (before)
Phillip Avenue (after)
Phillip Avenue (before)
Whitelaw Drive (after)
Whitelaw Drive (opp and before)


Aitken Orr Drive (Adj)
Aitken Orr Drive (before)
Aitken Orr Drive (opp)
Albyn Place (before)
Albyn Place (opp)
Aldi (at)
Aldi (opp)
Bridge Place (before)
Bridge Place (outside)
Cardross Road (Adj)
Cardross Road (after)
Cardross Road (opp)
Church Street (before)
Church Street (opp)
Craigengar Avenue
Curran Crescent (after)
Douglas Wynd (after)
Dunnet Way (after)
Dunnet Way (opp)
Dunn Street (before)
Dunn Street (opp)
Freeland Avenue (after)
Freeland Avenue (opp)
Glenmorangie (at)
Glenmorangie (opp)
Greendykes Steadings (before)
Greendykes Steadings (Outside)
Hoban Square (at)
Keith Gardens (opp)
Kirkhill Court (before)
Kirkhill Primary School (opp)
Kirkhill Primary School (opp)
Kirkhill Road (before)
Kirkhill Road (opp)
Liggat Place (opp)
New Holygate (at)
New Holygate (opp)
Post Office (at)
Post Office (opp)
Stewartfield Road (opp and before)
Strathbrock Partnership Centre (at)
Thistle Business Park (at)
Thistle Business Park (opp)
Wilson Terrace (before)
Woodville Court (at)


Broxburn Academy (after)
Broxburn Academy (opp)
Cardross Avenue (after)
Cardross Avenue (before)
Cardross Crescent (after)


Adelaide Street (at)
Beech Grove (opp)
Craigmair Nursing Home (at)
Craigswood (at)
Craigswood (opp)
Craigwillow Centre (opp)
Dee Drive (at)
Dee Drive (opp)
Fastlink (at)
Fire Station (before)
Fire Station (opp)
Hobart Street (at)
Hobart Street (opp)
Letham Primary School (after)
Letham Primary School (opp)
Lime Grove (at)
Melbourne Street (after)
Melbourne Street (opp)
Oak Grove (at)
Oak Grove (opp)
Pentland Park (at)
Pentland Park (opp and after)
Perth Street (after)
Perth Street (opp)
Rowan Grove (at)
Stirrup Stane (before)
Stirrup Stane (opp)
Tay Walk (after)
Tay Walk (opp)


Crossgreen Drive (near)
West Park Grove (opp and before)
Wyndford Avenue (after)
Wyndford Avenue (before)
Wyndford Place (before)
Wyndford Place (opp and after)


Appleton Parkway (after)
Appleton Parkway (before)
Buchanan Crescent (before)
Buchanan Crescent (Outside)
Burnsknowe (before)
Burnsknowe (opp)
Caputhall Road (after)
Deans Primary School (at)
Deans Primary School (opp)
Elphinstone Square (After)
Harburn Avenue (before)
Hardie Road (before)
Hardie Road (opp)
Haymarket Crescent (before)
Haymarket Crescent (opp and after)
Health Centre (at)
Health Centre (opp)
Jubilee Avenue (at)
Jubilee Avenue (opp)
Knightsridge Road (Before)
Livingston North Station (at)
Masonic Lodge (at)
Masonic Lodge (opp)
McGill's Bus Depot (after)
McGill's Bus Depot (at)
McGill's Bus Depot (opp)
Meldrum Primary School (at)
Meldrum Primary School (opp and after)
Mossbank Cottages (at)
Mossbank Cottages (opp)
Muirfield Way (at)
Muirfield Way (Opp and After)
NEC (after)
Neilson Square (Opp and before)
Nellburn (before)
Nellburn (Opp and after)
Nu Moves Dance Studios (at)
Nu Moves Dance Studios (opp)
Raeburn Rigg (before)
Raeburn Rigg (opp)
Railway Station (near)
Railway Station (opp)
Royston Hall (at)
Royston Hall (opp)
Royston Roundabout (after)
Royston Roundabout (before)
Tesco Dist Centre (before)
Tesco Dist Centre (opp and after)
Tesco Distribution Depot (at)
Tesco Distribution Depot (opp)


Badger Wood (after)
Badger Wood (opp)
Bangour Farm Road End (at)
Bangour Farm Road End (opp)
Bangour Hospital Main Gate (at)
Bangour Hospital Main Gate (opp)
Bents Cottages (at)
Bents Cottages (opp)
Dechmont Roundabout (after)
Dechmont Roundabout (before)
Knightsridge Road (after)
Knightsridge Road (opp)
Primary School (at)
Primary School (opp)


Adambrae Roundabout (after)
Adambrae Roundabout (before)
Ambrose Rise (after)
Ambrose Rise (opp)
Bankton Brae (before)
Bankton Brae (opp)
Bankton Lane (opp)
Crofthead Centre (at)
Crofthead Centre (opp)
Herald Rise (before)
Herald Rise (opp and after)
Lizzie Bryces Roundabout (after)
Lizzie Bryces Roundabout (before)
Newpark Roundabout (after)
Newpark Roundabout (before)
Nigel Rise (before)
Nigel Rise (opp and after)
Peveril Rise (after)
Peveril Rise (opp)
Primary School (after)
Primary School (opp)
Talisman Rise (at)
Talisman Rise (opp and after)

East Calder

Bowling Green (at)
Bowling Green (opp)
Camps Industrial Estate (after)
Coxydene (after)
Coxydene (opp)
Grove Public House (at)
Grove Public House (opp)
Jabil (after)
Jabil (at)
Jabil (opp)
Langton Gardens (after)
Langton Gardens (opp)
Langton View (at)
Langton View (opp)
Library (opp)
Nethershiel Roundabout (before)
Oakbank Road (after)
Oakbank Road (opp)
Overton Crescent (before)
Overton Crescent (Opp)
Raw Cottages (at)
Raw Cottages (opp)
Scotmid (at)
Scotmid (opp)
St Theresa's Church (at)
St Theresa's Church (opp and after)

East Whitburn

M8 Junction 4 (after)
M8 Junction 4 (before)
Pentland View (at)
Pentland View (opp)
Redmill Cottages (at)
Redmill Cottages (opp)
Redmill Court (before)
Redmill Court (opp)


Buchan Road (after)
Buchan Road (before)
Hamilton Lane (after)
Hamilton Road (at)
Monkland Road (before)
Traprain Crescent (before)


Gavin Place (after)
Kilne Place (after)
Kilne Place (opp)
Lady Place (after)
Lady Place (opp and after)
Lochshot Place (opp)
Newyearfield Roundabout (after)
Newyearfield Roundabout (before)
Oldwood Place (after)
Oldwood Place (opp)
Peel Roundabout (after)
Peel Roundabout (before)
Ward Place (Outside)


Boghead Cemetery (at)
Boghead Cemetery (opp)
Durham Avenue (at)
Durham Avenue (opp)
Falside Crescent (at)


Athol Terrace (before)
Drumcross Road (before)
Fountainhead Road (after)
Fountainhead Road (before)
Glenmavis Drive (at 35)


Almondside (at)
Almondside (opp)
Braehead Junction (after)
Braehead Junction (before)
Calgary Avenue (after)
Calgary Avenue (opp)
Civic Centre (at)
Civic Centre (opp)
Fastlink (at)
Fergus Avenue (before)
Fergus Avenue (opp)
Labrador Avenue (after)
Labrador Avenue (opp)
Manitoba Avenue (before)
Manitoba Avenue (opp and after)
St Johns Hospital (at)
St Johns Hospital (before)
St Margarets Academy (at)
St Margarets Academy (opp)
Toronto Avenue (before)
Toronto Avenue (opp)


Braekirk Avenue (after)
Braekirk Avenue (opp)
Forth View (before)
Forth View (opp)
Kirknewton Inn (at)
Kirknewton Inn (opp)
Meadowbank Road (after)
Meadowbank Road (Opp)
Park Terrace (at)
Park Terrace (opp)
Railway Station (at)
Railway Station (opp)


Adambrae Cemetery (at)
Adambrae Cemetery (opp)
Baird Road (After)
Buchanan House (at)
Buchanan House (opp)
Cadence (At)
Charlesfield Lane (after)
Charlesfield Lane (opp)
Charlesfield Lane West (at)
Charlesfield Lane West (opp)
Crematorium (at)
Crematorium (opp)
Crematorium Entrance (at)
Crematorium Entrance (opp)
Eastcroft Court (opp)
Fleming Road (before)
Gregory Road (before)
Gregory Road (Opp)
Klondyke Garden Centre (at)
Klondyke Garden Centre (opp)
Lister Road (after)
Lister Road (opp)
Lloyds Banking Group (opp)
Millfield (at)
Millfield (opp)
Rosebank Roundabout (before)
Sky Television (after)
Sky Television (at)
Starlaw Business Park (at)
Starlaw Business Park (opp)
Thirlfield Wynd (opp)
Toll Roundabout (after)
Toll Roundabout (before)
Village Lane (before)
Village Lane (opp and after)
Village Primary School (after)
Village Primary School (opp)


Barclay Way (before)
Barclay Way (opp)
Camps Rigg (after)
Camps Rigg (opp)
Carmondean Primary School (after)
Carmondean Primary School (opp)
Deer Park (at)
Fastlink (at)
Fastlink (opp)
Logan Way (after)
Logan Way (opp)
Nicholson Way (at)
Nicholson Way (opp)
Park and Ride (at)
Park and Ride (opp)
Stewart Way (at)
Stewart Way (opp)
Sutherland Way (after)
Sutherland Way (before)


Burnbank Flyover (at)
Burnbank Flyover (opp)
Eagle Brae (opp)
Eagle Brae (Outside)
Fastlink (at)
Fastlink (opp)
Fernbank (at)
Fernbank (Outside)
Kingfisher Brae (after)
Kingfisher Brae (before)
Park and Ride (at)
Park and Ride (opp)
Tern Brae (after)
Tern Brae (opp)
Willowbank (at)
Willowbank (opp and after)


Alderstone Business Park (at)
Alderstone Business Park (opp)
Aldi (at)
Aldi (opp)
Almondvale Roundabout (after)
Almondvale Roundabout (before)
Almondvale Stadium (at)
Almondvale Stadium (opp)
Asda (at)
Asda (opp)
Bank of Scotland (at)
Bank of Scotland (opp)
Bus Terminal (Stance A)
Bus Terminal (Stance B)
Bus Terminal (Stance C)
Bus Terminal (Stance D)
Bus Terminal (Stance E)
Bus Terminal (Stance F)
Bus Terminal (Stance G)
Bus Terminal (Stance H)
Campus Roundabout (after)
Campus Roundabout (before)
Quarrywood Court (at)
Quarrywood Court (opp)
The Boulevard Bar & Grill (at)
The Boulevard Bar & Grill (opp)
The Centre (after)
The Centre (opp)
The Range (at)
The Range (opp)
Travelodge (opp)
West Lothian College (at)


Miners Welfare (at)
Miners Welfare (opp)
Moorelands (opp)
Post Office (at)
Post Office (opp)
Turning Circle (opp)

Mid Calder

Almond Side (at)
Almond Side (opp)
Almond South Road (at)
Almond South Road (opp)
Caroline Park (after)
Caroline Park (opp)
Cemetery (at)
Cemetery (opp)
Cunnigar House (at)
Cunnigar House (opp)
Ochiltree Crescent (at)
Ochiltree Crescent (opp)
Police Station (opp)
Spottiswoode Gardens (after)
Spottiswoode Gardens (opp)
Torphichen Inn (at)
Torphichen Inn (opp and before)


Bankton Park (at)
Bankton Park (opp)
Bankton Way (at)
Bankton Way (opp)
East Bankton (before)
Hamilton Square (at)
Livingston South Station (at)
Murieston Court (opp and after)
Murieston Grove (after)
Murieston Grove (before)
Murieston House Entrance (after)
Murieston Vale (after)
Murieston Valley (at)
Murieston Walk (after)
Ossian Drive (at)
West Cairn View (opp)


Filling Station (after)
Filling Station (opp and before)
Harwood Church (opp)
Industrial Estate (before)
Industrial Estate (opp and after)
Langside Crescent (at)
Langside Crescent (opp)