By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: Lancs Nelson


Alpha Street (by)
Alpha Street (opp)
Audley Court (by)
Audley Court (opp)
Beaufort Street (adj)
Beaufort Street (by)
Beaufort Street (opp)
Beech Tree Close (by)
Beech Tree Close (opp)
Bracewell Street (by)
Bradley Road (by)
Bradley Road (opp)
Bradshaw Street (by)
Bradshaw Street (opp)
Brier Crescent (by)
Brier Crescent (opp)
Broadway (by)
Brunswick Street (by)
Brunswick Street (opp)
Bus Station special (by)
Canal Bridge (by)
Carr Road (by)
Causey Foot (by)
Causey Foot (opp)
Clayton Street (adj)
Colbran Street (by)
Colbran Street (opp)
Cravendale Avenue (by)
Crawford Street (by)
Cross Street (by)
Duerden Street (by)
Duerden Street (opp)
East Street (by)
East Street (opp)
Edward Street (by)
Edward Street (opp)
Halifax Road (adj)
Halifax Road (by)
Halifax Road (by)
Halifax Road (opp)
Highfield Crescent (opp)
Holy Saviours School (by)
Holy Saviours School Stop (by)
Interchange (Stand 1)
Interchange (Stand 2)
Interchange (Stand 3)
Interchange (Stand 4)
Interchange (Stand 5)
Interchange (Stand 6)
Interchange (Stand 7)
Interchange (Stand 8)
Interchange (Stand 9)
Interchange (Stand 10)
Lancaster Gate (by)
Lancaster Gate (opp)
Langholme Street (by)
Langholme Street (opp)
Library (by)
Lomeshaye Road (by)
Lomeshaye Road (opp)
Manchester Road (by)
Market Square (adj)
Merton Street (by)
Milton Street (adj)
Milton Street (by)
Morrison (Stop 3)
Morrisons (Stop 2)
Morrisons (Stop 4)
Morrrisons (Stop 1)
Mosley Street (by)
Napier Street (by)
Napier Street (opp)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 2 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 3 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 5 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 8 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 9 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 10 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 11 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 12 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 13 (by)
NELSON Bus Station Stand 14 (by)
Netherfield Road (by)
Netherfield Road (opp)
North Street (o/s)
Park Drive (by)
Park Drive (opp)
Pendle Street (by)
Pendle Street (by)
Pendle Street (opp)
Percy Street (by)
Percy Street (opp)
Raglan Street (by)
Rakes House Road (adj)
Rakes House Road (by)
Reedyford Road (by)
Regent Place (opp)
Regent Street (adj)
Rook Street (by)
Sackville Street (by)
Sackville Street (opp)
Selby Street (by)
Selby Street (opp)
Seldon Street (by)
Seldon Street (opp)
Southfield Street (opp)
Springfield Road (by)
Springfield Road (opp)
St Pauls CEPS (by)
St Pauls Road (adj)
St Pauls Road (by)
Swinden Hall Road (by)
Swinden Hall Road (opp)
The Zone (by)
The Zone (opp)
Thorne Street (by)
Thorne Street (opp)
Waidshouse Road (opp)
Waidshouse Road Top (by)
Walton Lane (by)
Walton Lane (opp)
Wavelengths (by)
Wavelengths (opp)
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