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Locality: S Yorks Dinnington


Breck Lane/Outgang Lane (adj)
Breck Lane/Outgang Lane (nr)
Byron Road/Shakespeare Drive (adj)
Byron Road/Shakespeare Drive (opp)
Church Lane/Athorpe Road (opp)
Church Lane/Brooklands Way (adj)
Church Lane/Brooklands Way (opp)
Church Lane/Limelands Road (adj)
Church Lane/Monksbridge Road (adj)
Church Lane/Monksbridge Road (nr)
Dinnington Interchange (at)
Dinnington Interchange/A1
Dinnington Interchange/A2
Dinnington Interchange/A3
Doe Quarry Lane/Dinnington Junior School (at)
Doe Quarry Lane/Howard Street (nr)
Doe Quarry Lane/Leys Lane (adj)
Doe Quarry Lane/Leys Lane (at)
Doe Quarry Lane/Lordens Hill (adj)
Doe Quarry Lane/Outgang Lane (opp)
Doe Quarry Lane/Pencil Lane (adj)
Doe Quarry Lane/Pencil Lane (opp)
High Nook Road/Central Avenue (adj)
High Nook Road/Milton Road (adj)
High Nook Road/Swinston Hill Road (at)
High Nook Road/Wordsworth Avenue (adj)
Lakeland Drive/Gleneagles Road (adj)
Lakeland Drive/Swinston Hill Road (adj)
Laughton Road/Breck Lane (adj)
Laughton Road/Breck Lane (opp)
Laughton Road/Constable Lane (opp)
Laughton Road/New Street (opp)
Laughton Road/Plantation Avenue (adj)
Laughton Road/School Street (nr)
Lidgett Lane/Leopold Street (adj)
Lidgett Lane/New Street (adj)
Lidgett Lane/Swinston Hill Road
Lordens Hill/Silverdales (adj)
Lordens Hill/The Crescent (adj)
Lordens Hill/Victoria Street (adj)
New Road/Nursery Road (adj)
New Road/Nursery Road (at)
New Street/Addison Square (at)
New Street/St Josephs Court (adj)
New Street/St Josephs Court (opp)
Nursery Road/Park Avenue (nr)
Nursery Road/Walnut Drive (opp)
Outgang Lane/Colliery Close (adj)
Outgang Lane/Colliery Close (nr)
Outgang Lane/Colliery Close (opp)
Outgang Lane/Monks Bridge Road (nr)
Silverdales/Byron Road (adj)
Silverdales/Byron Road (opp)
Swinston Hill Road/High Nook Road (adj)
Swinston Hill Road/Lidgett Lane (at)
Swinston Hill Road/Rowernfields (opp)
Swinston Hill Road/Stoneleigh Close (adj)
Swinston Hill Road/Swinston Hill Gardens (opp)
Undergate Road/Constable Lane (adj)
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