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Locality: S Yorks Manor


Castlebeck Avenue/Castlebeck Croft (adj)
Castlebeck Avenue/Danebrook Court (adj)
Castlebeck Avenue/Normancroft Way (adj)
Castlebeck Avenue/Prince of Wales Road (adj)
Castlebeck Avenue/Prince of Wales Road (at)
Castlebeck Avenue/Romandale Gardens (adj)
City Road/City Road Cemetery (adj)
City Road/Dovercourt Road (adj)
City Road/Manor Lane (adj)
City Road/Park Grange Road (adj)
City Road/Park Grange Road (opp)
City Road/Spring Lane (opp)
City Road/St Aidans Road (adj)
City Road/Wulfric Road (adj)
City Road/Wulfric Road (opp)
Fairfax Road/Harborough Avenue
Fairfax Road/Prince of Wales Road
Fairleigh/Cullabine Road (adj)
Harborough Avenue/Prince of Wales Road (opp)
Harborough Avenue/Vikinglea Drive (adj)
Prince of Wales Road/Castlebeck Avenue (adj)
Prince of Wales Road/Fairleigh (at)
Prince of Wales Road/Fairleigh (opp)
Prince of Wales Road/Harborough Avenue (adj)
Prince of Wales Road/Harborough Avenue (at)
Prince of Wales Road/Hastilar Road (adj)
Prince of Wales Road/Hastilar Road (opp)
Prince of Wales Road/Motehall Road (adj)
Prince of Wales Road/Noehill Road (adj)
Prince of Wales Road/Parkway (nr)
Prince of Wales Road/Queen Mary Road (adj)
Prince of Wales Road/Queen Mary Road (opp)
Prince of Wales Road/Ravencarr Road (adj)
Queen Mary Road/Raynald Road (adj)
Queen Mary Road/Windy House Lane (adj)
Raynald Road/Archdale Road (adj)
Raynald Road/Stonecliffe Road (adj)
Raynald Road/Waltheof Road (nr)
St Aidans Road/Essex Road (opp)
St Aidans Road/Holdings Road (adj)
Wulfric Road/Babington Close (adj)
Wulfric Road/Bassledene Road (adj)
Wulfric Road/Fairleigh (adj)
Wulfric Road/Fretson Road South (adj)
Wulfric Road/Scotia Close (nr)
Wulfric Road/Stirling Way (adj)
Wulfric Road/Wulfric Close (adj)
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