By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: W Yorks Little Horton

Little Horton

Brownroyd Hill Road Carr Bottom Ave (after)
Brownroyd Hill Road Carr Bottom Ave (opp)
Canterbury Ave Little Horton Lane (at)
Canterbury Avenue Central Ave (corner)
Canterbury Avenue Luke Rd (adj)
Carr Bottom Rd Hawes Grove
Carr Bottom Rd Hawes Grove (stop)
Central Avenue
Central Avenue
Clarges Street
Clarges Street
Dorset Street Dorset Close
Dorset Street Dorset Close (stop)
Dorset Street Gurney Close
Dorset Street Gurney Close (stop)
Holme Street (opp)
Holme Street (opp)
Horton Park Avenue (stop A)
Horton Park Avenue (stop B)
Lindley Rd Ransdale Road
Lindley Rd Ransdale Road (stop)
Lindley Rd Stirton Street
Lindley Rd Stirton Street (stop)
Marbridge Court
Marbridge Court (opp)
Park Lane Herbert St
Park Lane Holme Top Ln
Park Lane Mayfair
Park Lane Mayfair (stop)
Ransdale Rd Back Greaves Street (adj)
Ransdale Rd Back Greaves Street (opp)
Shree Hindu Temple (at)
Shree Hindu Temple (opp)
Southfield Lane Hillam St (opp)
Southfield Lane Methodist Ch (at)
Southfield Lane Methodist Ch (opp)
St Enoch's Rd Bridge
St Enoch's Rd Bridge (on)
St Enoch's Road (at)
St Enoch's Road (N-B)
Thornton Lane (at)
Thornton Lane (opp)
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