By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: W Yorks Stanley


Aberford Rd Allotments
Aberford Rd Allotments (at)
Ash Lea
Ash Lea (at)
Baker Lane Rushworth Close (adj)
Baker Lane Rushworth Close (opp)
Baker Ln Newlands Drive
Baker Ln Newlands Drive (opp)
Bottomboat Road
Bottomboat Road (opp)
Canal Lane (at)
Canal Lane (opp)
Canal Lane Canal Walk
Canal Lane Canal Walk (stop)
Canal Lane Chaucer Ave (adj)
Canal Lane Chaucer Ave (opp)
Canal Lane Moor Rd (adj)
Canal Lane Moor Rd (opp)
Coney Warren Lane
Coney Warren Lane (at)
Fenton Road
Fenton Road
Ferry Lane End
Ferry Lane End (opp)
Ferry Lane Ward Ln
Ferry Lane Ward Ln (adj)
Kingsway (at)
Kingsway (opp)
Lake Lock Road
Lake Lock Road (on)
Lee Mount
Lee Mount
Lime Pit Lane
Lime Pit Lane (on)
Moorhouse Estate
Moorhouse Estate (at)
Moorlands Place
Moorlands Place (at)
Moor Road
Moor Road (stop)
Mount Road
Mount Road
Newmarket Lane
Newmarket Lane (at)
Newmarket Lane Aberford Rd
Newmarket Lane Scholey Hill
Newmarket Lane Scholey Hill (stop)
Rooks Nest Rd Baker Lane
Rooks Nest Rd Baker Lane (E-B)
Rooks Nest Rd Clifton Avenue
Rooks Nest Rd Clifton Avenue (W-B)
Rooks Nest Road (E-B)
Rooks Nest Road Broadmeadows
Rooks Nest Road Broadmeadows (after)
Stanley Grove
Stanley Grove (S-B)
Stanley Lane Ends (at)
Stanley Lane Ends (at)
Stanley Library
Stanley Library (at)
Stanley Parkway
Stanley Parkway
St Peters Church
St Peters Church (ay)
St Swithins Drive
St Swithins Drive (opp)
Zion Church
Zion Church (at)
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