By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: N Somerset Weston-super-Mare


Albert Quadrant (Stop Z)
Albert Road (N-B)
Alexandra Parade (Stop BB)
Alexandra Parade (Stop CC)
Alfred Street (Stop C)
Alfred Street (Stop RR)
All Saints Road (NE-B)
Beach Road (Stop D)
Beach Road (Stop GG)
Boulevard (Stop F)
Boulevard (Stop G)
Broadoak Road (NW-B)
Broadoak Road (SE-B)
Broadoak School (E-B)
Broadoak School (NE-B)
Broadoak School (SW-B)
Charlton Road (NW-B)
Charlton Road (SE-B)
Clarence Road North (N-B)
Clarence Road North (S-B)
Clarence Road South (N-B)
Clarence Road South (S-B)
Clevedon Road (N-B)
Clevedon Road (S-B)
Ellenborough Park (N-B)
Ellenborough Park (S-B)
Ellenborough Park North (N-B)
Ellenborough Park North (S-B)
George Street (Stop HH)
George Street (Stop JJ)
Gerard Road (Stop A)
Gerard Road (Stop B)
Graham Road Surgery (E-B)
Graham Road Surgery (W-B)
Grand Pier (Stop P)
Hans Price Close (S-B)
High Street (Stop M)
High Street (Stop Q)
High Street (Stop R)
Interchange (A)
Interchange (B)
Interchange (C)
Interchange (D)
Interchange (E)
Interchange (F)
Interchange (G)
Interchange (H)
Interchange (I)
Interchange (J)
Interchange (K)
Locking Road Car Park (N-B)
Marine Parade (Stop MM)
Moorland Road (NE-B)
Moorland Road (SW-B)
Neva Road (N-B)
Neva Road (S-B)
Nithsdale Road (NE-B)
Nithsdale Road (SW-B)
Oxford Street (Stop M)
Oxford Street (Stop U)
Plumley Court (E-B)
Plumley Court (W-B)
Princess Royal Square (N-B)
Recreation Grounds (opp)
Recreation Grounds (S-B)
Regent Street (Stop EE)
Regent Street (Stop N)
Regent Street (Stop S)
Regent Street (Stop T)
Regent Street (Stop V)
Regent Street (Stop W)
Regent Street (W-B)
Royal Parade (NW-B)
Royal Sands (N-B)
Royal Sands (S-B)
Sedgemoor North Slinky - Weston DRT
Severn Avenue (N-B)
Severn Avenue (S-B)
Severn Road (N-B)
Severn Road Shops (E-B)
Severn Road Shops (W-B)
Stafford Road (E-B)
Stafford Road (W-B)
Station Approach (Stop KK)
Station Road (Stop C)
Station Road (Stop NN)
St Pauls Church (S-B)
Swiss Road (Stop AA)
Town Hall (Stop Q)
Town Hall (Stop R)
Tropicana (N-B)
Walliscote Road (E-B)
Waterloo Street (Stop H)
Waterloo Street (Stop J)
Weston-super-Mare Station (Stop X)
Weston-super-Mare Station (Stop Y)
Weston College (Stop FF)
Weston College (Stop SS)
Whitecross Road (E-B)
Whitecross Road (W-B)
Wilton Gardens (Stop PP)
Wilton Gardens (Stop QQ)
Winter Gardens (Stop K)
Winter Gardens (Stop L)
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