By Location
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Locality: York Clifton


Bootham Park (o/s)
Bowling Green (o/s)
Bowling Green (opp)
Brompton Road (o/s 7)
Brompton Road (o/s 12)
Burton Croft (opp)
Burton Green East (o/s 34)
Burton Green East (opp. 34)
Burton Green West (o/s 2)
Burton Green West (opp. 2)
Burton Stone Inn
Carleton Street (o/s)
Carleton Street (opp.)
Clifton Green (adj)
Clifton Green (adj Boots)
Clifton Health Centre (adj Kingsway North)
Clifton Health Centre (opp Kingsway North)
Clifton Methodist Church
Crichton Avenue Shops (o/s)
Crichton Avenue Shops (opp)
Cromer Street (o/s)
Cromer Street (opp)
Feversham Crescent
Feversham Crescent (opp)
Field View (o/s 225 Burton Stone Lane)
Field View (o/s 240 Burton Stone Lane)
Haley's Terrace (o/s 15)
Haley's Terrace (opp 9)
Ingram House
Intake Avenue (o/s 247 Burton Stone Lane)
Intake Avenue (o/s 252 Burton Stone Lane)
Jo Rowntree Theatre (o/s Rowntree Theatre)
Jo Rowntree Theatre (opp Rowntree Theatre)
Kingsland Terrace
Kitchener Street (adj)
Kitchener Street (opp)
Landing Lane (opp. Kennels)
Link Avenue (adj)
Link Avenue (opp)
Livingstone Street
Nestle Rowntree (adj Wigginton Rd entrance)
Nestle Rowntree (opp Wigginton Rd entrance)
Ouse Lea (adj)
Ouse Lea (opp)
Ramsay Close (adj)
Ramsay Close (opp)
Rowntree Avenue (adj)
Rowntree Avenue (opp)
Sailsbury Road (opp 13)
Salisbury Road (o/s 9)
Spalding Avenue (adj)
Spalding Avenue (opp)
St Lukes Church (o/s)
St Lukes Church (opp)
St Peter's School
St Philip's Grove (adj)
St Philip's Grove (opp)
The Coach Yard (o/s)
Water End (o/s 7)
Water End (o/s Almshouses)
Wilberforce Avenue (adj)
Wilberforce Avenue (opp)
York Hospital (o/s)
York Hospital (opp)
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