By Location
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Locality: Cambs Ely


Alexander Chase (near)
Alexander Chase (opp)
Back Hill (near)
Beech Lane (o/s 7)
Beech Lane (opp)
Beech Lane (opp 7)
Bell Holt (near)
Bell Holt (opp)
Bishop Laney Drive (near)
Bishop Laney Drive (opp)
Buckingham Drive (adj)
Buckingham Drive (opp)
Cambridge Commodities (o/s)
Cam Drive (near)
Cam Drive (opp)
Cardinals Way (near)
Cardinals Way (opp)
Cemetery (near)
Cemetery (opp)
Chiefs Street (adj)
Community College (Entrance)
Community College (o/s)
Community College (opp)
Darwin Close (nr)
Darwin Close (opp)
Deacon's Lane (near)
Deacon's Lane (opp)
Downham Road (near)
Dunstan Street (o/s 46)
Dunstan Street (opp 26)
Ely Leisure Village Car Park (in)
Ely Railway Station (near)
Ely Railway Station (opp)
EMG Garage (adj)
EMG Garage (opp)
Engine Yard (near)
Engine Yard (opp)
Falcon Mews (near)
Falcon Mews (opp)
Gateway Gardens (near)
Gateway Gardens (opp)
Goodwin Grove (adj)
Henley Way (adj)
Henley Way (opp)
Hereward Street (near)
Hereward Street (opp)
Hertford Close (near)
Hospital (o/s)
King's Avenue (near)
King's Avenue (opp)
King's School (near)
King's School (o/s)
Larkfield Training Ctr (near)
Larkfield Training Ctr (opp)
Lily House (o/s)
Lily House (opp)
Little Lane (opp)
Longchamp Drive (adj)
Longchamp Drive (opp)
Longfields (nr)
Mariott Drive (adj)
Mariott Drive (opp)
Market Street (Stop A)
Market Street (Stop B)
Market Street (Stop C)
Market Street (Stop D)
Merlin Drive (opp)
Morton Close (near)
Mulberry Way (adj)
Mulberry Way (opp)
Nene Road (near)
Nene Road (opp)
Newnham Street (opp)
Norfolk Road (near)
Norfolk Road (opp)
Northwold (near)
Northwold (opp)
Priors Court (near)
Priors Court (opp)
Silver Street (opp)
Springhead Lane (near)
Springhead Lane (opp)
Spring Meadow Infants Sch (o/s)
Spring Meadow Infants Sch (opp)
Station Road (near)
Station Road (near)
St Etelreda Catholic Church (opp)
St Ethelwolds Close (near)
St Ethelwolds Close (opp)
Stirling Way (near)
Stirling Way (opp)
Stirling Way (opp)
St John's School (o/s)
St John's School (opp)
Stour Green (nr)
Stour Green (opp)
St Ovins Green (near)
St Ovins Green (opp)
Tennyson Place (near)
Tennyson Place (opp)
Tesco (o/s)
The Glaives (o/s)
Tower Road (near)
Tower Road (opp)
Upherds Lane (opp)
Waitrose (near)
Walsingham Way (near)
Walsingham Way (opp)
Warwick Drive (near)
Warwick Drive (opp)
West Fen Road (adj)
W Fen Road (near)
W Fen Road (opp)
Wrens Close (near)
Wrens Close (opp)
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