By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: Shrops Oswestry


Arriva Garage (adj)
Arriva Garage (opp)
Ascot Road (opp)
Aston Close Jct (opp)
Balmoral Close Jct (opp)
Balmoral Crescent (opp)
Bear Hotel (adj)
Bear Hotel (opp)
Beechgrove School (adj)
Beechgrove School (opp)
Blackfriars Jct (adj)
Broadlands Way Jct (adj)
Buckingham Close Jct (opp)
Bus Station (adj)
Bus Station (Stand 1)
Bus Station (Stand 2)
Bus Station (Stand 3)
Bus Station (Stand 4)
Coach Park (Adj)
College (adj)
College (opp)
College Road Jct (adj)
College Road Jct (opp)
College Road Northbound (adj)
College Road Southbound (opp)
Crossroads (adj)
Denham Drive Jct (opp)
Friars Close Jct (opp)
Gower Place Jct (adj)
Gower Place Jct (opp)
Hawthorne Grove Jct (adj)
Hawthorne Grove Jct (opp)
Hazel Grove Jct (adj)
Hazel Grove Jct (opp)
High Fawr Ave (opp)
Highway Man PH (adj)
Highway Man PH (adj)
Highway Man PH (opp)
Highway Man PH (opp)
Iceland (adj)
Jasmine Gardens Jct (adj)
Jasmine Gardens Jct (opp)
Jennings Road (adj)
Laburnum Drive (adj)
Laburnum Drive (opp)
Liverpool Road West Jct (opp)
Llys Close Jct (opp)
Llys Road Jct (adj)
Llys Road Jct (opp)
Malory Road Jct (adj)
Meadow Close Jct (opp)
Meadow Rise Jct (adj)
Meadow Rise Jct (opp)
Mile End Services (adj)
New Park Road Jct (adj)
New Park Road Jct (opp)
No. 12 (opp)
No. 20 (adj)
No. 22 (adj)
No. 35 (adj)
No. 38 (adj)
No. 56 (opp)
North Shropshire College (adj)
Oak Drive Jct (adj)
Oak Drive Jct (opp)
Outside No 90 (adj)
Park Drive Jct (adj)
Park Drive Jct (opp)
Park Gates (adj)
Park Gates (opp)
Park Street Jct (opp)
Post Office (adj)
Sainsbury's Layby (adj)
Sainsbury's Shelter (adj)
Sandringham Jct (adj)
Sandringham Jct (opp)
St James Close Jct (opp)
Summerfield Close Jct (opp)
Table Table (adj)
The Castle PH (adj)
Unicorn Road Jct (adj)
Unicorn Road Jct (opp)
Walford Road Jct (adj)
Welsh Walls Jct (adj)
Western Drive Jct (adj)
Whitefriars Jct (opp)
Wilfred Owen Close Jct (adj)
Wilfred Owen Close Jct (opp)
Wilfred Owen Road Jct (adj)
Woodside School (adj)
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