By Location
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Locality: S Yorks Rossington


Attlee Avenue/Earl Avenue
Attlee Avenue/Earl Avenue (nr)
Attlee Avenue/Grange Lane
Attlee Avenue/Grange Lane
Bond Street/Ashville (adj)
Bond Street/Bishopsgate Lane (adj)
Bond Street/Portland Road (adj)
Bond Street/Portland Road (opp)
Bond Street/Radburn Road (adj)
Bond Street/Radburn Road (nr)
Central Drive/Aberconway Crescent (adj)
Central Drive/Haig Crescent (adj)
Central Drive/Haig Crescent (opp)
Central Drive/Junction Road (adj)
Clay Flat Lane/Beech Road (adj)
Clay Flat Lane/Gattison Lane (at)
Clay Flat Lane/Morrison Drive (adj)
Clay Flat Lane/Smillie Road (adj)
Earl Avenue/Deacon Crescent (adj)
Earl Avenue/Fowler Crescent
Earl Avenue/Fowler Crescent (adj)
Grange Lane/Attlee Avenue
Grange Lane/Grangefield Avenue (opp)
Grange Lane/King Georges Road (adj)
Grange Lane/Queen Marys Road (at)
Grange Lane/Radburn Road
Grange Lane/Whitby Road
Grange Road/Allenby Crescent (adj)
Grange Road/Central Drive (adj)
Grange Road/Grangefield Avenue (adj)
Holmes Carr Road/Holmes Carr Crescent (opp)
Iport Avenue/Great Yorkshire Way (46796)
Iport Avenue/Great Yorkshire Way (opp)
Iport Avenue/Powerhouse Lane (46792)
Iport Avenue/Powerhouse Lane (46793)
King Avenue/Fowler Crescent (adj)
King Avenue/Nelson Road (adj)
King Avenue/Nelson Road (opp)
King Georges Road/Foljambe Crescent (46778)
King Georges Road/Foljambe Crescent (adj)
King Georges Road/Grange Lane (adj)
King Georges Road/Mcconnel Crescent (adj)
Powerhouse Lane/West End Lane (46794)
Powerhouse Lane/West End Lane (46795)
Queen Marys Road/Grange Road (adj)
Queen Marys Road/Nelson Road
Queen Marys Road/Norman Crescent (opp)
Queen Marys Road/Streatfield Crescent (adj)
Radburn Road/Chamossaire (adj)
Radburn Road/Coronach Way (adj)
Radburn Road/Gattison Lane (adj)
Radburn Road/Gattison Lane (nr)
Radburn Road/Meld Close (adj)
Radburn Road/Ragusta Drive (opp)
Radburn Road/Sceptre Grove (adj)
Radburn Road/Solario Way (adj)
Sheep Bridge Lane/Greenlands Avenue (adj)
Sheep Bridge Lane/Littleworth Lane (adj)
Sheep Bridge Lane/Littleworth Lane (nr)
Sheep Bridge Lane/Stripe Road (opp)
Station Road/Balcarres Road
Station Road/Balcarres Road (Opp)
Station Road/Kestrel Drive
Station Road/New Lane
Stripe Road/Clay Flat Lane (adj)
Stripe Road/Clay Flat Lane (nr)
Stripe Road/Common Lane (on)
Stripe Road/Common Lane (opp)
Stripe Road/Kestrel Drive (adj)
Stripe Road/Parklands Close (adj)
West End Lane/Bankwood Lane (adj)
West End Lane/Bevan Avenue
West End Lane/Ely Street (adj)
West End Lane/Grange Road
West End Lane/Grange Road (opp)
West End Lane/Grantham Street (adj)
West End Lane/Great Yorkshire Way (adj)
West End Lane/Great Yorkshire Way (opp)
West End Lane/Heatherfields Crescent (adj)
West End Lane/Heatherfields Crescent (opp)
West End Lane/Heatherfields Crescent (opp)
West End Lane/Lincoln Street
West End Lane/Oxford Street
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