By Location
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Locality: W Mids Chelmsley Wood

Chelmsley Wood

Ashwood Drive (after)
Ashwood Drive (before)
Barnard Close (before)
Barnard Close (opposite)
Berwick Lane (adj)
Berwick Lane (opp)
Birch Croft (after)
Birch Croft (opposite)
Bishop Wilson School (adj)
Bishop Wilson School (opp)
Carisbrooke Ave (before)
Carisbrooke Ave (near)
Carisbrooke Ave (opposite)
Chelmsley Interchange
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CC)
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CE)
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CF)
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CG)
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CH)
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CJ)
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CK)
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CL)
Chelmsley Interchange (Stop CM)
Chelmsley Rd (Stop D)
Chelmsley Rd (Stop E)
Chelmsley Rd (Stop L)
Chelmsley Wood Library
Chelmsley Wood Library
Chelmsley Wood Library
Chelmsley Wood Library (Stop A)
Chelmsley Wood Library (Stop B)
Chelmsley Wood Library (Stop C)
Craig Croft (adj)
Craig Croft (opp)
Dunster Rd (adj)
Dunster Rd (opp)
Hazel Croft (after)
Hazel Croft (opp)
Hedgetree Croft (after)
Hedgetree Croft (opposite)
Hedingham Grove (adj)
Hedingham Grove (after)
Helmswood Drive (adj)
Helmswood Drive (opp)
Meriden Park (adjacent)
Meriden Park (opp)
Moorend Avenue
Moorend Avenue (Stop H)
Piccadilly Close (opposite)
Pine Square (beyond)
Pine Square (Stop CB)
Poplar Avenue (adj)
Poplar Avenue (opp)
Richmond Way (adj)
Richmond Way (opp)
Roach Close (adj)
Roach Close (opp)
Rowan Way (adjacent)
Rowan Way (opposite)
Stella Croft (adj)
Stella Croft (opp)
Walnut Close (adj)
Walnut Close (opp)
Waterson Croft (adj)
Waterson Croft (opp)
Whitebeam Rd (after)
Willow Way (adj)
Willow Way (opp)
Winchester Drive (Stop CA)
Winchester Drive (Stop CB)
Winchester Drive (Stop CN)
Woodlands Way (adj)
Woodlands Way (opposite)
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