By Location
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Locality: W Yorks Otley


Billams Hill Farnley Lane (after)
Billams Hill Farnley Lane (opp)
Bridge Street Police Station (adj)
Burley Water Works
Burley Water Works
Bus Station stand 03 (Stand 03)
Bus Station stand 04 (Stand 04)
Bus Station stand 05 (Stand 05)
Caley Crags
Caley Crags
Cambridge Drive Peterhouse Dr (at)
Cambridge Drive St. Clair Rd
Cambridge St Carlton St
Cambridge St Carlton St (W-B)
Cambridge Way Cambridge Grove
Cambridge Way Cambridge Grove (W-B)
Cattle Market Street Bridge St (at)
Duncan Avenue
Duncan Avenue
Dyneley Arms (at)
Dyneley Arms (opp)
Gallows Hill
Gallows Hill (at)
Garnett Wharfe Development
Garnett Wharfe Development
Garnett Wharfe Development
Garnett Wharfe Development
Gay Lane
Gay Lane
Gill Brow
Gill Brow
Grove Hill Park
Grove Hill Park
Grove Hill Rdbt
Lisker Drive
Mill Lane
Mill Lane
Moor Drive
Moor Drive
Old Pool Bank
Old Pool Bank
Old Pool Road
Old Pool Road (stop)
Otley Asda (at)
Otley Asda (opp)
Otley Bus Stn 01
Otley Bus Stn 02
Otley Cemetery
Otley Cemetery (opp)
Otley Garden Centre
Otley Garden Centre
Otley Waitrose
Otley Waitrose
Pools Carr
Pools Carr
Russell Farm
Russell Farm
Silver Mill Hill (at)
Silver Mill Hill (E-B)
St. Clair Rd Lisker Dr
St Clair Rd Cambridge Drive
Stubbings Farm
Stubbings Farm
Sunnydale Crescent
Sunnydale Crescent
The Old Orchard
The Old Orchard
Westbourne Grove
Westbourne Grove
Westbourne Grove Bradford Road
Westbourne Grove Bradford Road (N-B)
West Busk Lane
West Busk Lane
West Busk Lane Bradford Rd
West Busk Lane Duncan Ave
West Busk Lane Duncan Ave (adj)
West Busk Ln Maylea Drive
West Busk Ln Maylea Drive (adj)
West Busk Ln Prestwick Close
West Busk Ln Prestwick Close (opp)
West Chevin Road
West Chevin Road
Westgate Guycroft (at)
Westgate Guycroft (opp)
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