By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: York York


Barbican Road (o/s 29)
Barbican Road (opp. 29)
Belle Vue Terrace (adj)
Belle Vue Terrace (opp)
Blossom Street (BA)
Blossom Street (BB)
Blossom Street (BC)
Blossom Street (BD)
Cambridge Street (adj)
Cambridge Street (opp Mount Ephraim)
Cemetery Road (o/s Cemetery)
Cemetery Road (opp Cemetery)
Clifford's Tower (o/s)
Clifford's Tower (opp)
Clifford Street (TB)
Clifford Street (TC)
Clifford Street (TD)
Clifford Street (TG)
Dixon Lane
Edinburgh Arms (opp)
Escrick Terrace
Exhibition Square (EC)
Exhibition Square (ED)
Exhibition Square Tour Bus (o/s Art Gallery)
Foss Bank
Foss Bank
Foss Bank Coach Stop
Gillygate (o/s 56)
Gillygate (o/s SA Citadel)
Howard Street (adj)
Howard Street (opp)
Huby Court (o/s)
Huby Court (opp)
James Street (adj Bus Depot)
James Street (opp Bus Depot)
Layerthorpe Asda (o/s Asda)
Layerthorpe Asda (opp Asda)
Leeman Road Coach Stop A
Leeman Road Coach Stop B
Leeman Road Coach Stop C
Leeman Road Coach Stop D
Lord Mayor's Walk (opp 20)
Low Ousegate (TE)
Low Ousegate (TF)
Margaret Street
Merchantgate (PC)
Merchantgate (PC)
Micklegate (CJ)
Micklegate (CK)
Monk Bar
Museum Street
Museum Street (EA)
Nunnery Lane Car Park (BE)
Nunnery Lane Car Park (BF)
Peasholme Green (adj Quilt Museum)
Peasholme Green (opp Church)
Piccadilly (PA)
Piccadilly (PB)
Piccadilly (PD)
Piccadilly (PE)
Piccadilly (PF)
Piccadilly (PG)
Price's Lane
Queen Street
Rail Station
Rail Station (Stop RA)
Rail Station (Stop RB)
Rail Station (Stop RC)
Rail Station (Stop RD)
Rail Station (Stop RE)
Rail Station (Stop RF)
Rail Station (Stop RG)
Rail Station (Stop RH)
Rail Station (Stop RJ)
Rougier Street (CA)
Rougier Street (CB)
Rougier Street (CC)
Rougier Street (CF)
Rougier Street (CG)
Rougier Street (CH)
Rougier Street (Setting Down Only)
Royal Mail Offices (Stop RL)
Ryedale Building
Station Avenue (Stop RM)
Station Rise (Stop RK)
Station Road (CD)
Station Road (CE)
Station Road (o/s War Memorial)
St Denys' Road
St George's Field Coach Park
St Lawrence Church (o/s)
St Maurice's Road
Stonebow (SA)
Stonebow (SB)
Stonebow (SC)
Stonebow (SD)
Stonebow (SE)
Stonebow (SF)
Stonebow Tour Bus
Student Castle (opp)
Theatre Royal (EB)
Theatre Royal (EE)
Theatre Royal (EF)
The Barbican (adj Multistorey Car Park)
The Barbican (adj Paragon House)
The Barbican Coach Stop
The Mount (o/s 121)
The Mount (o/s 134)
The Mount School
Tower Street (TA)
Trinity Methodist Church
Union Terrace Coach Park
Victoria Bar
Waggon and Horses (o/s)
Willis Street (adj)
Willis Street (opp)
York St John University (adj Union Terrace)
York St John University (opp Union Terrace)
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