By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: Borders Kelso


Abbotseat (after)
Abbotseat (before)
Ambulance Station (At)
Ambulance Station (opp)
Angraflat Road (Nr)
Angraflat Road (opp)
Baptist Church (o/s)
Barony Knoll (Nr)
Barony Knoll (opposite)
Blakelaw Cottages (At)
Blakelaw Farm (At)
Bridgend Park (At)
British Legion (o/s)
Broomlands School (opp)
Coledale Car Park (Adj)
Croft Park (at)
Croft Park (opp)
Croft Road (Nr 63)
Croft Road (o/s 34)
Croft Road (o/s 107/109)
Croft Road (opp 107/109)
Easter Softlaw Cotts (At)
Easter Softlaw Cotts (Opp)
Edenside Primary School (o/s)
Ednam House Hotel (at)
Hermitage Lane (before)
High Croft Co-op (Nr)
Horsemarket Bus Shelter (at)
Ice Rink (o/s)
Ice Rink (opp)
Inchmead Crescent (Nr 2-8)
Inchmead Crescent (opp 2-8)
Inchmead Drive (Nr)
Inchmead Drive (Opp)
Inch Park (at)
Inch Road (Near)
Kelso Abbey (o/s)
Kelso Fire Station (near)
Kelso Fire Station (opp)
Kelso High School (At)
Kelso Hospital (at)
Kelso Hospital (opp)
Lempitlaw Cotts (At)
Lempitlaw Cotts (Opp)
Lloyds Tractors (At)
Lloyds Tractors (Opp)
Lurdenlaw Cotts (At)
Lurdenlaw Cotts (Opp)
Masons Court (Opp)
Maxmill Park (Nr)
Maxmill Park (Opp)
Mercers Court (Nr)
Mercers Court footpath (At)
Newton Don Cottages (o/s)
Newton Don Cottages (opp)
Orchard Park (Adj)
Orchard Park (Opp)
Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate (N-B)
Pinnaclehill Industrial Estate (SW-B)
Pinnaclehill Park (At)
Plexus (Opp)
Riverside Drive (At)
Riverside Drive (Opp)
Sainsburys (at)
Scott Country Ltd Warehouse (At)
Scott Country Ltd Warehouse (Opp)
Shedden Park (O/s)
Softlaw Cottage (At)
Softlaw Cottage (Opp)
Springwood Bank (at)
Springwood Bank (opp)
Springwood Estate (Nr)
Springwood Estate (Opp)
Springwood Village (at)
Sprouston Rd (Nr)
Sprouston Rd (Opp)
Spylaw Rd End (At)
Spylaw Rd End (Opp)
Station Road (Nr)
Street (S-B)
Tait Hall (opp)
The Linn (O/s 17)
The Linn (O/s 41)
Tweedsyde Cemetery (At)
Tweedsyde Cemetery (Opp)
Wester Muirdean Rd End (at)
Wester Muirdean Rd End (opp)
Wester Softlaw Rd End (at)
Wester Softlaw Rd End (opp)
Wooden Lodge (At)
Wooden Lodge (Opp)
Woodmarket Bus Shelter (at)
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