By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: S Yorks Wheatley


Armthorpe Road/Dale Road (at)
Armthorpe Road/Thorne Road (Opp)
Barnby Dun Road/Bradford Road (at)
Barnby Dun Road/Crompton Road (opp)
Barnby Dun Road/Derby Road (adj)
Barnby Dun Road/Derby Road (O/S)
Beckett Road/Axholme Road (opp)
Beckett Road/Canterbury Road (adj)
Beckett Road/Heron Court (adj)
Beckett Road/Heron Court (adj)
Beckett Road/Jubilee Road (adj)
Beckett Road/Jubilee Road (opp)
Beckett Road/Morley Road (opp)
Beckett Road/Oversley Road (adj)
Beckett Road/Oversley Road (opp)
Beckett Road/Parkway North (before)
Beckett Road/Parkway North (opp)
Beckett Road/Parkway South (adj)
Beckett Road/Wentworth Road (adj)
Beckett Road/Wentworth Road (at)
Church Way/Radiance Road
Coventry Grove/Thorne Road (at)
Derby Road/Truro Avenue (adj)
Derby Road/Truro Avenue (opp)
Exeter Road/Coventry Grove (at)
Exeter Road/Coventry Grove (opp)
Exeter Road/Parkway South (at)
Guildford Road/Coventry Grove (at)
Guildford Road/Coventry Grove (nr)
Hereford Road/Coventry Grove (adj)
Hereford Road/Coventry Grove (adj)
Hereford Road/Coventry Grove (adj)
Hereford Road/Coventry Grove (opp)
Hereford Road/Coventry Grove (opp)
Hereford Road/Truro Avenue (at)
Hereford Road/Truro Avenue (opp)
Norborough Road/Lifford Road (adj)
Norborough Road/Lifford Road (opp)
Norwich Road/Beckett Road (opp)
Norwich Road/Coventry Grove (adj)
Norwich Road/Coventry Grove (at)
Norwich Road/Parkway North (nr)
Thorne Road/A18 (opp)
Thorne Road/Armthorpe Lane (adj)
Thorne Road/Hillcrest Road (adj)
Thorne Road/Hillcrest Road (opp)
Thorne Road/Norborough Road (adj)
Thorne Road/Ogden Road (at)
Thorne Road/Wentworth Road (opp)
Thorne Road/Winchester Avenue (adj)
Thorne Road/Zetland Road (adj)
Thorne Road/Zetland Road (adj)
Truro Avenue/Bradford Road (adj)
Truro Avenue/Bradford Road (opp)
Truro Avenue/Crompton Road (adj)
Truro Avenue/Derby Road (nr)
Wheatley Hall Road/Liverpool Avenue
Wheatley Hall Road/Liverpool Avenue
Winchester Avenue/Gloucester Avenue
Winchester Avenue/Gloucester Road
Worcester Avenue/Parkway North (adj)
Worcester Aveune/Parkway North (at)
Zetland Road/Plunket Road (adj)
Zetland Road/Thorne Road (adj)
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