By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: W Yorks Huddersfield Town Centre

Huddersfield Town Centre

Bankfield Road
Bankfield Road (at)
Bus Station (Stand 1)
Bus Station (Stand 2)
Bus Station (Stand 3)
Bus Station (Stand A)
Bus Station (Stand B)
Bus Station (Stand C)
Bus Station (Stand D)
Bus Station (Stand G)
Bus Station stand E (Stand E)
Bus Station stand F (Stand F)
Bus Station stand H (Stand H)
Bus Station stand J (Stand J)
Bus Station stand K (Stand K)
Bus Station stand L (Stand L)
Bus Station stand M (Stand M)
Bus Station stand N (Stand N)
Bus Station stand O (Stand O)
Bus Station stand P (Stand P)
Bus Station stand Q (Stand Q)
Bus Station stand R (Stand R)
Bus Station stand S (Stand S)
Bus Station stand T (Stand T)
Bus Station stand U (Stand U)
Bus Station stand V (Stand V)
Bus Station stand W (Stand W)
Bus Station stand X (Stand X)
Bus Station stand Y (Stand Y)
Bus Station stand Z (Stand Z)
Chapel Hill
Clare Hill
Clare Hill (at)
Colne Road
Colne Road
Cross Church Street (stop C3)
Fitzwilliam Street
Fitzwilliam Street (on)
Great Northern Street
Greenhead Park
Greenhead Park
Greenhead Road
Greenhead Road (at)
Gt Northern Retail Park
Gt Northern Retail Park
Highfields Road
Highfields Road (at)
High Street (stop H1)
High Street (stop H2)
Huddersfield Leisure Centre
John William Street (stop J3)
John William Street (stop J4)
John William Street (stop J5)
Kirkgate (stop K5)
Kirkgate (stop K6)
Kirkgate (stop K7)
Kirklees College
Lord Street (stop K1)
Lord Street (stop K2)
Lord Street (stop K3)
Lord Street (stop K4)
Market Street (stop M2)
Market Street (stop M3)
Northgate (on)
Northumberland Street (stop P2)
Outcote Bank
Park Avenue (N-B)
Park Avenue (S-B)
Peel Street (H2a)
Peel Street (stop H3)
Peel Street (stop H4)
Queensgate (stop Q1)
Queensgate (stop Q2)
Queensgate (stop Q3)
Queen Street (stop C1)
Queen Street (stop C2)
Queen Street South
Southgate (stop R1)
Southgate (stop R2)
Southgate (stop R3)
Spring Grove Street
Spring Grove Street (at)
St. George's Square (stop S3)
St. George's Square (stop S4)
St. George's Square (stop S5)
St George's Square S1
St George's Square S2
Westgate (stop W1)
Westgate (stop W2)
Westgate (stop W4)
Westgate (stop W5)
Westgate (stop W6)
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