By Location
By Postcode
By Stopcode

Locality: W Yorks Leeds City Centre

Leeds City Centre

Bus Stn (Stand 1)
Bus Stn (Stand 2)
Bus Stn (Stand 3)
Bus Stn (Stand 4)
Bus Stn (Stand 5)
Bus Stn (Stand 6)
Bus Stn (Stand 7)
Bus Stn (Stand 8)
Bus Stn (Stand 9)
Bus Stn (Stand 10)
Bus Stn (Stand 11)
Bus Stn (Stand 12)
Bus Stn (Stand 13)
Bus Stn (Stand 14)
Bus Stn (Stand 15)
Bus Stn (Stand 16)
Bus Stn (Stand 17)
Bus Stn (Stand 18)
Bus Stn (Stand 19)
Bus Stn (Stand 20)
Bus Stn (Stand 21)
Bus Stn (Stand 22)
Bus Stn (Stand 23)
Bus Stn (Stand 24)
Bus Stn (Stand 25)
Bus Stn (Stand 26)
City Square A
City Square B
City Square C (opp)
City Square D (at)
City Square E (at)
City Square F
City Square G (at)
City Square H
City Square I
City Square J
Civic G
Civic H
Civic I
Civic J (stop R7)
Civic K
Civic L
Civic M
Civic N
Civic O
Civic P
Civic Q (at)
Civic S (at)
Clay Pit Lane Arena (adj)
Corn Exchange A
Corn Exchange B
Corn Exchange C
Corn Exchange D
Corn Exchange E
Corn Exchange F
Corn Exchange G
Corn Exchange H (at)
Corn Exchange I
Corn Exchange J (at)
Cultural A
Cultural B
Cultural C
Cultural F
Cultural G
Cultural H (at)
Cultural J
Dyer Street
Dyer Street (Bay 1)
Dyer Street (Bay 2)
Dyer Street (Bay 3)
Dyer Street (Bay 4)
Dyer Street (Bay 5)
Dyer Street (Bay 6)
Dyer Street (Bay 7)
Dyer Street (Bay 8)
Dyer Street (Bay 9)
Dyer Street (Bay 10)
Dyer Street (Bay 11)
Headrow A
Headrow B
Headrow C
Headrow D
Headrow E
Headrow F
Headrow G
Headrow H
Headrow I
Headrow J
Headrow K
Headrow L
Headrow M
Headrow N
Kirkgate High Court
Leeds BS Ent Real Time Tracking
Leeds Kirkgate Coach Stop
Leeds Station Interchange (stop S7)
Merrion A
Merrion B
Merrion C
Merrion D
Merrion E
New York Road
Quebec Street (stop Q1)
Southbank E
Southbank F
Southbank G
Station A
Station A (at)
Station B
Station B (at)
Station C
Station C
Station D
Station D
Station E
Station F
Trinity K (at)
Trinity L (at)
Trinity M
Trinity N
Trinity O
Trinity P
Trinity Q
Trinity R
Trinity S
Victoria A
Victoria B
Victoria C
Victoria D
Victoria E
Victoria F
Victoria G
Victoria H
Victoria I
Victoria J
Victoria K (N-B)
Victoria L
Victoria M
Victoria N
Victoria O
Victoria P
Victoria Q
Wellington A
Wellington B
Wellington B
Wellington Bridge
Wellington Bridge (at)
Wellington C
Wellington D
Wellington E
Wellington F
Wellington G
Wellington H
Wellington I
Wellington J
Wellington L
Wellington M
Wellington N
Wellington O
Wellington P
Wellington Q (opp)
West Street
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